I think I just fell off the wagon. The great big diet adventure (GBDA) only really lasted a good week before a stood up and the fell off. Lots of reasons none of them good enough to justify my lack of mental fortitude that I've been exhibiting. I lost about 2 pounds and forgot to post. So here we go again, I've flagged down the wagon and am climbing back on.
I've also been really lazy. I find that I the less time I actually have the more I get done. The more time I have the less I get done. This reversal of the norm stems from my high school years when I was at school and working and volunteering and seeing the boy (the hub before he was the hubby) and cleaning houses and, and, and. I can manage 20 minutes but not 6 hours. So I find myself making lists just to make lists and feel like I got some where. So now its time to buckle down and work my butt off. Both with my workouts and with my work.
keep you posted!
Persistence is the key :-)
Good luck!
Okay, that soup sure looks yummy and you succeeded in making me hungry at midnight. :-p
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