Saturday, May 20, 2006

OH Great Scott......

Well now then, its been a wild few days. Well not for me, but for those who ride in the car with me. She's currently toting a second very weeee, very weee passanger. I went to work last weekend and it was nice. It wasn't that bad at all, a little pushie and little odd because I can't result anything so Kathy was a little stressed out. Though I actually graduate on thursday I don't know how things will work out. We had another strange and shitty week and work. We got questions answered with more questions and just general shit. My Friend liz left for BNOC this week so we hung out every evening, her Dana and I. But don't forget the puppie. Friday was kinda a crapper but I did get a chance to watch my movies and just relax on my sofa. My computer crashed and burned, so i had to bring it back up. I'm going to have to complete erase and reinstall. Oh factory settings. This morning we had some pancakes down at Linda's Pick a Rib. Mmmmmm great food. Its been threating to let loose all day with a great big Thunder storm. Long rumbles but no real rain. I went and got some more summer clothes, just a few shirts and a new wallet thingie. Generally I've done nothing today. I've got a dinner to go to soon, that should be good. Well then.

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