Sunday, April 27, 2008

Lab Week Wrap-Up

We had a great Lab Week. Almost everyone in the building helped out and had fun. Monday started with "MEGA" break goodies. I should have taken pictures but forgot until it was too late. The food went very fast. We handed out contest rules and got our first look at the baby pictures. Wednesday was the Bake-off and birthday BBQ. Super good food and some super creative birthday cakes. My Pear Custard Pie didn't get eaten, but I wasn't expecting it to. Next year I'm not going for fancy, but creative. As we waited for Friday's sack lunch exchange all the labs worked on the Door decorating contest. While we didn't win for our door, we had the most lab produced art. In the end it was great, we all had so much fun and we're ready for next year! Oh and Friday was the 50th anniversary of the Double Helix, at least so I heard on NPR.

Other than that, I've worked on my lawn and planted some things. Working away on the "something red" sweater. Also trying to will my yard to stop looking silly. I mowed it just to get the weeds down. I then patched it with this funny green blanket stuff. If this doesn't work I may pull it all up. Next week BARK!!! I'll be ordering my 5 yards some time this week. After all this its time for pizza.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I have Hummingbirds!!!!! I didn't think they had made it TN yet. I still put up my feeder up on the first warmish day of the year, but knew that the little buggers wouldn't be up until we had warmed up. I guess we have some early visitors. I hope that sugar water isn't really nasty, its been up there a while.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A long time coming

So I started my leaf tie cardigan last year. I was hopping to wear it while we were in Las Vegas. That didn't happen for either of the trips. I finally got around to finishing it completely.
PATTERN: Leaf Tie Cardigan, "Fitted Knits"
YARN: Deddie Bliss Alpaca Silk DK, Celery
NEEDLES: US6 Knit Picks Options
MODIFICATIONS: -Longer, -2x2 Rib, -No leaf lie.
I even wore it to work this week. Wow it was a week at work too, we had a major outbreak which needed instant results. Well instant doesn't exist is my line of work. I spent 13.5 hours at work on Thursday.
I ordered some Ultra Alpaca from the big WEBS sale.
My weakness, Lion Brand, shows up again. I was in Nashville at a Michaels and there it was and I needed yarn for a project. I know you don't want to hear it.

FINALLY, I said give me a week and I'd show you some results.
Its very small but very cute, and it only took an hour or so to whip up. You make your own pattern for this project so I think I'll make a larger one next. Up next PILLOWS!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Sew Sew

I've been knitting, in fact I've finished two projects this weekend. I've order two sweaters of yarn, thanks to some really good sales. I've also been sewing. I broke out the little sewing machine that the Hub bought me for my birthday *Cough* um that was the last birthday, not this one.
Its a good little machine, I'll see how I feel about it when I really get going. I've got my eye on a little fancier one. I would fell a little guilty about buying a new one, seeing as this one was a gift.
Sooooo while we were in Nashville one night to blow through a mess of gift cards that the Hub had accumulated from various gift giving holidays I found this book.

Its like the "Stitch and Bitch" of sewing. If you already have a wee knowledge of sewing (thanx mom) its really good at getting you up and running. So here it is, my first project since high school. Back then I made a mess of super ugly purses out of some lime green wide whale corduroy.

First Project

After getting that done, I searched town for pattern paper. This mythical thing doesn't seem to really exist. So I just bought big graph paper and stuck them together with tape. I also got some fabric for my next project.

Next project

Give me a week or so I'll show you the results.