Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

So its my favorite non gift giving, non turkey eating hoilday!!!!! I have a carved pumpkin, which is very cute, not really spookie just silly. I'm wearing my very nifty bat shirt, and I seem to be the only person in class wearing anything halloweenie, but then again last night we did have ghost so we got our spookieness out of our system. GHOST is an event so kids can come and tricker treat safely and get a ton of candy. It was almost as good as Vegas for people watching. We managed to give away all of out candy before the end of the night and because it was getting quite cold out. It was good. I've been lighty the pumpkin every night, gota make the best of it. Mom sent the halloween presents, peanut butter cups and chocolate covered ginger, yum!!! I've already eaten all ginger, mmmmm chocolatly. Ross is still feeling kinda crummy from all his shots, it had a flu shot and others, but they all combined to become one giant muscle ache. He also played softball all day on friday. I've been busy with school so I haven't been doing much. I'm also done with my gift for Kristy for her baby shower, which is this weekend. It's very nice, I'll have to get a neat thing to put it in. I'm also working on a sleeveless shirt that I won't get to wear until next spring, but it might take me that long. I still have another sweater to work on and I haven't started on it, mmmm thats a bit of a problem, but maybe I just give pieces and then finish it. If I had more time I could finish it. Well I should be paying attention in class.....

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

loafs of bread in the road way

mmm, this strange little tip of the news is brought to you by the folks at NPR. I was listening to the local road report when they said that there were loafs of bread in the road. Well today was a some what productive, between the test I took, then the nap and the studing, not to mention the spotted dog and the meeting, the day isn't even over. So lets slow down. I took a test in lab this morning, pooo, and then went off the the UC to study but I really felt crappy so took 4 Idu's and took a nap in a chair. I woke up and studied some more then ate my lunch which was quite tasty. Then I trugged back to class, sat in class and tried not to drool from complete boardum in a class that I have a degree in. We then played with the STD's mmm, but it was actually dead so we just saw slime. I then left feeling a wee better because I had a coke and the caffine combined with the painkillers to create a false sense of happness. So I walked home in the fadulously cold weather. As I was passing the church I saw a dog in the grass. I wasn't sure if she was alive or dead, I went up tp check on her. She was ok but very pregnant, so I checked on her and she was a little scared. I told her to be a good dog and someone would be back to get her. When I got home, I checked on Krys who was not home but her poor little dog was and she was whining at the door, a 700.00 dollar dog all alone every day all day and night. Well when I got home I called animal control and the took the information and they took my number so they could tell me if she was ok. I haven't heard anything but she couldn't have been a hard catch she was a huge dog. Then I went to post for the Pre-deployment meeting. Then home. Poor Ross had a ton of shots and is a little on the woozy side. Going to make some dinner and then then work on my study guide. What a day. Well then, byebye

Thursday, October 20, 2005

the urban sprawl of Clarksville

As with all Army town city planner are too expesive to hire, so instead they let the city grow unchecked while tons of crappy houses with no fences are built in ten seconds flat and sold to the person with the VA loan. Two years latter when the "neighborhood" has gone down hill and the VA loans have become VA repos they leave the houses to built more, further up the road. So as drive some 5 plus miles to the Target, which really isn't that far, except there was plenty of reestate inbetween that with never be filled in, I wonder why in freakin' hell are we building the new hospital out at exit 4, there is space behind the strip malls, there is space before them, there is space in downtown there is space every where, but we have let the core of the city die like a TB infection. The dead center while the outside growns and lives, only become part of the dead center as time passes. Like Lawton, Clarksville will crash and a saddness will consume the city. It's too bad, would be a pretty spot if they just gave some thought to it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My rant and rave

So now that Ashlee simpson is blond again and is trying to be Gwen clone I wonder that if I was ever 21. I was I remember going to Vegas for my birthday, with my parents to people watch. But I don't remember any of those trivial things like boyfriend stealing that her new album deals with, and if the biggest problem in her life currently than she needs to hang out a bit more with Bono and at least learn about the worlds current problems so she could a least think about the problems facing the more grown up world. The other thing that made me wonder was, mmmmm that lady who is nominated for the supreme court needs to go and get a make over. MMM theres nothing nastier than that eye liner that she wears. Granted the way she looks has nothing to do with how smart she is, but that fact is she looks like a blue toad all the time and its sad because she makes a great deal more than me and should afford a nice suite that is non- toadie. Not to mention that most women of Washington look quite punny all the time, except ms Condie who seems to look around 30 years old all the time. Well so I think I've ranted enough, but ooo it felt good. Ok I'm sure I'll righ something less shallow latter. -CA

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Four days off

After my four day weekend, which ends today, I can say I did next to nothing. I cleaned the house and did a lot of laundry, a whole lot of laundry. I really didn't knit as much as I thought I would, I really thought I would finish a sleeve and begin to put it togeather. DAMN. I did how ever begin to knit a lovely hat for a wee Ford that is due in early Dec. Its green and very soft. I hope they like it, but its too big for a newborn. I this lovely collection of yarn on the chair right now in green and coral it looks great. Besides the Zoo I haven't done much of anything. I cleaned out the piss-ant today its very happy, very happy. I cleaned out the inside and got all the junk out of it. Makes me feel good. There was a ton of garbage in it, just little things, wrappers and stuff. I went to TJ max to find a new purse yesterday after I had lunch with Tammy, but found nothing that I wanted or that was in my price range. Today however I went to Belks who has a great selection and a crazy shoe department. I didn't find anything I want in the shoe world. I really want to find a pair of boots that I can wear with my jeans, rolled up. I did find a great nine west on sale for cheap. It might just be the last of the good ones, all the rest are really ugly. Well I know that I have a three day week weeeee, and Ross is taking a four day pass so he and Mike can have a good time. Ok well other than that not much has been going on.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Originally uploaded by spotthedog13.
Right when you come in the Nashville Zoo the Mccaws greet you. Ross was impressed, I don't think he knew they were quite this big.


Originally uploaded by spotthedog13.
They just stared at the big rock. We don't know why they just did, but hey it was a good picture.


Originally uploaded by spotthedog13.
We went to the Zoo today and feed the lorkeets. It was a blast. They just love you sit with you and nibble on the necter. They have a feathered tonge and its very funny to watch them. We had quite a few land on out heads and this one loved my hair he sat with me and played with it.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Shades of Seattle

The weekend was great. The weather was fantastic. Cool and windy with a slight over cast. Today is seattle. It's gray and cool and fantastic!!!!! Ross and I went to see Walace and Grommit. It was great fun. We went to dinner at the Cumberland grill and it was mmm ok a bit too homey for ross and I. The food was only soso and the service was crap. We'll go 541 next week. On Saturday night we had a fire in Dana's little fire pit thing it was great because it was cold and it was a good campfire type thing. We need marshmellows and chocolate for smore's, smore what how can I have smore if I haven't had any. Sorry a little sand lot. I spent most of the weekend studing for my two tests next week. I found a dog in the parking lot this morning I wonder if he'll still be there when I get home, he looked like a full chow and he had been shaved at the begining of summer but has since grow some back in, but you could see his "mane". He was friendly but didn't come up to me but I don't falt him, but he didn't run and followed me a little. He was scared.
Well I'm actually in class right now so I should get back to learning...... uhuh.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

well it's about damn time

So it's here, yes fall, so they say. Its a nice 75 out today and dropping thanks to a cold front moving in. I hope that it lasts and we can all wear coats again.
So the new trend in the celeb world is to knock em' up and the marry them eh? WIth the supper gross Cruse Holmes combo now filling the gene pool who's next? Maybe I should divorce so I can get pregnant and then get married again like all the cool people.
Well i just had to vent about that, in other places, like school, which has taken an all time turn for the worst. Our Micro teacher is readding from the book for the first time in class, which we all then highlight and sleep while he reads the next few sentences to himself. Today he called it a review day but in reality he just reread us the book with a few more things that he had failed to point out the first time around. I WOULD HAVE RATHER HAD MY TOE NAILS PULLED OUT. so needless to say that was 2 hours of my life I will never get back.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Monarchs and fall

Well its a nasty 85 degrees today this third icky day of october. Yes 85 degrees and warmer tommorrow and the day after with it cooling after thrusday. Cross your fingers hope to die stick a needle in you eye weather man. The monarch butterflies are floating their way to mexico now a days and they pass through here on the way. It's quite nice to see them. Large and pretty they just to their thing. The are smarter than you think. The dodge cars and find the shade all very gracefully. I'm just glad to be seeing them. I don't know how long they'll stay. The humming birds seem to be on their way for the summer, I haven't seen any lately. Hoping to see some birds that are migrating south this fall we'll see what comes. I still have three growing tomatoes so I do hope for some sun but cool days. Did you see the pictures from the park. Ross and I went to port Royal state park and looked at what was left of the covered bridge. It was first destroyed in a flood in the late century and then rebuilt, and it as burned and then damaged when they we're trying to repair it. It took a life. It just sits there now just the one end over the river. Too Bad. We walked around but the nature trail was also sad. Nothing much to look out there. I have a test on Friday so I need to go back to studing keep you up to date.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Pudgie Budgie

Pudgie Budgie
Originally uploaded by spotthedog13.
Here's a picture of my bird Frankie, who loves to play in my purse. I just left it open and went to watch TV when I turned around there he was playing in it. Now I know where the money goes.

Wipe out

Wipe out
Originally uploaded by spotthedog13.
Here is some of the bridge that we went and saw. Can't say that Port Royal state park was much to look at but the Bridge was kinda neet to see.